- Participation to the elaboration work on the European Charter for the transportation of rail passengers, with the European Commission in Brussels.
- The right of access to Rail Transportation for all (students, persons with reduced mobility, handicapped, diseased persons, persons not or no longer able to drive a car, etc...). This is a priority social chapter for our association.
- Vulgarisation and knowledge of rail transportation in schools (primary schools, secondary schools, colleges) and/or universities.
- Participation to the approach for a more favorable evolution of crossborder transports, whether internationally between two member countries of the European Union, or interregionally between two regions of a given member country (setting up of tariff communities, setting up of fixed interval schedules, etc...).
- Take part to, and sometime conduct, studies on the sensible transit areas through the alpine and pyrenean valleys, by the conducting of actions allowing to speed up effective project realisations, patterned on Switzerland's activities.
- Smooth away difficulties that can arise either from riverains or from various projects that are pitted against each other by some people, although they are quite often complementary.
- Studies and developments on various systems to carry lorries on rail ('piggyback' in the USA).
- Develop freight cargo transportation on rail by all possible means, including by the creation of mixed passenger and freight trains on secondary or medium-used rail lines.
- Development of modern tram and tram-train networks.
- Participation to the elaboration of 'Directives Territoriales d'Aménagement' (DTA, town and country planning policies)
- Participation to the elaboration of planning contracts in support of more ambitious rail policies in Regions and territorial communities.
- Reopening of closed rail lines that justify a minimal activity and allow a better planning of the territory.
- Priority to the existing rail operator, but if it does not believe in, or does not want to provide a given service, it should not prevent someone else to do it, the more so if the latter assumes the service at its own risks.
- Enhance the information for rail customers at all levels.
- Develop the transportation of passengers of the "around the urban center" type, directly serving two strong demographic points located in two separate suburbs.
- Fully exploit the complementarity and the intermodality of various means of transportation.
- Conduct studies, exchanges and reflexions between various partners, bringing also our contribution but not making decisions that are the responsibility of elected representatives.
- Set up and maintain this Internet site in the best possible way, within the acceptable limits of voluntary work.
- Produce an "Information letter" (Lettre d'information, currently in French only), published two or three times per year, allowing to inform in priority the joining members who sustain the association financially.

- etc..., since this list is by far not exhaustive.

L'AEDTF a quasiment, comme seules ressources, les cotisations de ses membres. C'est pourquoi nous remercions vivement tous ceux et celles qui font l'effort de s'acquitter régulièrement d'une cotisation afin de soutenir nos diverses actions et de nous permettre de subvenir à nos dépenses de fonctionnement que nous limitons au strict minimum (frais de secrétariat, d'impressions, de déplacements à travers l'Europe, d'informatique, etc…).
L'AEDTF ne fonctionne qu'en bénévolat pur et ne dispose d'aucun salarié. Nous remercions également tous ceux et toutes celles qui nous apportent les diverses contributions volontaires qui nous permettent d'enrichir ce Site Web. Vous pouvez, à cet effet, utiliser les pages interactives.